
Terry’s DJ Mix / Mar 2012 / Elektrix

With a broken ankle, it’s hardly time to start a dance mix… but that’s just about all I could think to do.  It’s been too long since I got my groove on… so I thought I’d make a moody mix of tunes you aren’t likely to haven’t been over-played yet… Or certaintly not the way they have been mixed up on this mo’.  Hope you enjoy!


00:00-15:00 / Starting with a stange underbelly grooves
15:00-30:00 / 80’s inspired Avant-Pop for the on trend kids looking for a timeless bit of funk
30:00-47:00 / Tribal Disco Filtered Spaz Attacks
47:00-57:00  / 80’s key slashes into Detroit-ish melodic techno grooves
57:00-1:15:00 / Pop princesses get remixed into the darkness of the grooves of funk and trance with Sasha and Example
1:15:00-1:20:00 /  Deadmaus attacks a daft Barbara Streisand again…
tunes fade away… till next time…

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About the author

Terence Chisholm A proud geek, digital strategist, designer and programmer based in London (UK), Terence Chisholm makes great digital projects happen and has been "getting his geek on" since 1996 and in graphic design for print before that. Terry also likes travel, music, the arts and photography.
